Past, Present & Future

Why did she leave me?
To move on from you,
She had to get rid of the past
And now she’s with me.
Still you’re also difficult I know,
But you made her sad and lonely.

Well What about him?
I need her to leave you to get to me.
You make her scared and anxious.
Then why won’t she leave me?
because she keeps ignoring my calls.

I want her to know that,
If she focuses on what’s happening
Right now she will have me. ‘Peace’
Then she could finally move on,
Look forward to what’s to come next
And appreciate the old memories.

Poem Inspired by Quote:

“If you are depressed you are living in the past.

you are anxious when you are living in the future.

If you are at peace you are living in the present”

– Lao Tzu

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I’m Jess

Welcome to Nouva Daze, A lifestyle blog dedicated to self care, creativity, and well being.

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